Get a jump-start on college—think Cecil College in your high school years.
As you're scheduling your classes, include Cecil College in your plan. Opportunities are available to give you a jump-start on a college education through Cecil College in your high school, on our campus, or online.
Opportunities for High School Students
Blueprint for Maryland’s Future
The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is a landmark legislation passed in 2021, which includes comprehensive changes to nearly every aspect of Maryland’s public education system. The Blueprint will enrich student experiences, accelerate improvements to student outcomes, and improve the quality of education in Maryland. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future is organized into five distinct pillars.
- Pillar 1: Early Childhood Education
- Pillar 2: High Quality and Diverse Teachers and Leaders
- Pillar 3: College and Career Readiness
- Pillar 4: More Resources for Students to be Successful
- Pillar 5: Governance and Accountability
Cecil College is most directly involved with Pillar 3. Pillar 3 indicates students meeting the College and Career Ready (CCR) standard will have access to several Post-CCR pathways at no cost to students. Post-CCR pathways should be flexible, allowing students to develop in-depth knowledge of a subject area, earn postsecondary credits, industry credentials, and/or engage in competitive entry college preparation programs. The Blueprint defines three distinct pathways for students to complete Post-CCR requirements, including a competitive entry college preparatory program, early college or dual enrollment program, or a career and technical education (CTE) program.
See the Maryland State Board of Education and the Accountability and Implementation Board Joint Implementation Policy #1 – Dual Enrollment for the latest information from the AIB and MSDE related to community college courses and access.
Please reach out to your high school guidance counselor regarding eligibility and any questions.
On-Site Program
Cecil College offers courses on-site at local high schools during the regular school day to students age 16 and older. Cecil College offers a CCPS to CECIL Dual Enrollment Scholarship for these courses.
Gifted and Talented Program
Students under age 16, who have completed 7th grade or the equivalent and are designated as gifted and talented, may enroll in Cecil credit courses. Cecil courses taken are not available at the high schools.
Concurrent Enrollment
Qualified students age 16 or older may enroll in Cecil College courses concurrent with their high school studies. Cecil College offers a College Bound Scholarship for these courses.
Dual Enrollment
High school students have the opportunity to satisfy secondary school requirements while also receiving Cecil College credit. This requires prior approval from both the student’s high school and Cecil College.
- Cecil College offers the CCPS to CECIL Dual Enrollment Scholarship for Cecil County Public School (CCPS) students, related to Memorandum of Understanding for Dual Enrollment with CCPS and Maryland Blueprint.
- Cecil College offers a College Bound Scholarship for other in-county high school students such as homeschool and private school students.
Other Options
Other available options include summer courses and Early College Academy.
How to Apply
For students under 16, find out how to apply. If you're a high school student who has already applied to Cecil College, get steps for after you've applied.
Financial Aid and Scholarship Information
It’s never too early to start saving to help pay for a college education. Learn more about Cecil College’s financial aid services and our scholarship resources that can help support your need to be successful.
College Bound Scholarship
Cecil College offers a College Bound Scholarship. Eligible students will pay 75% the regular in-county tuition rate in effect for the semester based upon their residency. College Bound Scholarship participants must meet the following requirements:
- be at least 16 years of age or approved for Gifted and Talented admissions;
- possess a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or above if a senior, or a 3.0 or above if not yet a senior;
- be enrolled in one of the public high schools in Cecil County or a high school approved by the College President; and
- be certified by the high school as meeting the eligibility requirements.
CCPS to CECIL Dual Enrollment Scholarship
The CCPS to CECIL Dual Enrollment Scholarship is for CCPS students who are enrolled in Cecil College classes that satisfy high school graduation requirements.
CCPS to CECIL Scholarship participants must meet the following requirements:
- Be at least 16 years of age or approved for Gifted and Talented admissions;
- High school seniors must possess a 2.5 or above grade point average, all other students must possess a 3.0 or above grade point average;
- Be certified by the high school as meeting the eligibility requirements.
More Information
To learn more about our opportunities for high school students, the enrollment process, the College Bound Scholarship, and the CCPS to CECIL Scholarship, please contact the Admissions Office.